Insomnia is a very common sleep disorder, so much so that throughout our lives everyone can suffer from it to a greater or lesser extent. The problem appears when insomnia is repeated and affects the quality of life, since a good rest is vital to feel active during the day.

Not sleeping has various causes. Stress and economic, family or other concerns play against us when it’s time to go to bed, since people who are unable to disconnect at bedtime will not be able to fall asleep. It also doesn’t help to frequently change the hours you go to bed and get up from, because the body doesn’t finish getting used to it and it gets out of control, so a good routine in this regard is essential to avoid insomnia. Anxiety, post-traumatic stress and depression can cause insomnia, as well as severe pain.

With which many people have to live on a daily basis. In addition, having a copious dinner, or, on the contrary, going to sleep without having eaten anything, or ingesting stimulating drinks such as coffee or tea make it difficult to fall asleep.

Types of insomnia

  • Difficulty in achieving sleep has three distinct forms, plus a fourth type of sleep disturbance: there may be trouble sleeping at bedtime, that is, initial insomnia, which is the most common; then there is intermediate insomnia, which occurs when the person wakes up frequently during the night; terminal insomnia can also appear, which occurs when the awakening takes place in the morning, time earlier than expected and desired by the affected person; and finally there is the alteration of the sleep pattern, which occurs when the person goes to bed and sleeps an adequate number of hours but wakes up tired, as if he had not rested at all.
  • Depending on its duration, insomnia can be transitory or acute, lasting less than a month; sub-acute, which can last more than 4 weeks but does not last more than 3 to 6 months; and finally chronic insomnia, which can last more than 6 months.
  • Depending on the severity of the insomnia, it can be mild, whereby the affected individual suffers a small deterioration in their quality of life; when it is moderate, symptoms such as irritabilityfatigue and anxiety begin to appear, this is when insomnia begins to have a more pronounced impact on those affected. In the strongest stage of insomnia, severe, the quality of life of individuals suffering from sleep problems is further reduced.

Consequences of not sleeping well

  • People who are affected by insomnia may end up suffering from concentration difficultiesdepressiontirednessdrowsinessirritability and may even suffer and cause traffic accidents. In addition, their work and personal relationships are negatively affected and their health may be diminished.
  • Sleeping well is not only essential for the body, but also for the soul. When we sleep we have to put aside the concerns that grip us, relax and simply surrender “into the arms of Morpheus”, since after a good rest we will find ourselves Ready to start a new day

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