Sleep problems are increasing in a society dominated by rush, pressure and stress. Many of the cases of insomnia occur because we are unable to disconnect from work, to deal with problems effectively or to deal with setbacks in a healthy way.

In short, we do not know how to relax, we do not know how to distinguish when we should be alert and when to let our guard down to recover the energy spent. Relaxation is essential to combat insomnia.

A simple relaxation exercise

  • There are countless relaxation techniques, some more complicated than others. Some require a professional to teach you how to do them and others you can do yourself. Either way, you need to be in a relaxed state at bedtime. Otherwise, you will not be able to sleep well.
  • A simple relaxation technique is what is known as progressive relaxation. Sitting or lying in bed, you should progressively relax the muscles of the whole body starting with the feet, specifically the toes. First tense your toes and hold for 10 seconds. Relax them and go repeating this exercise in an ascending way with your whole body.
  • If your insomnia problem is not chronic or severe, you may have already fallen asleep before you manage to relax your neck muscles or, at least, you have managed to focus on your rest and not think about worries. Because the objective of relaxation techniques is not only the body or to reduce muscular tension, but also to act against mental tension.

Prepare for relaxation

  • Relaxation exercises require practice, but also put the mood in calm mode, that is, you must prepare for the moment of relaxation. Above all, you must understand that you not only deserve a moment of relaxation before bed, but that you also need it. So do not hesitate to surround yourself with everything that favors tranquility.
  • You can take a relaxing bath after dinner, you can let them give you a massage, and you can choose to read a few chapters of a book or listen to relaxing music. If, in addition, you surround yourself with aromas that promote peace of mind and mental calm, such as lavender, you will be able to go to bed feeling happy, but not euphoric, but calm.
  • Do not rule out any relaxation technique that helps you free your mind from negative thoughts, worries and concerns that do not let you sleep. Techniques such as yoga or meditation also predispose the body and mind to relaxation, as well as breathing exercises, essential when it comes to regaining control.

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