The parents are beaming with happiness, excited about the arrival of the baby. The arrival of a new member to the family is a blessing. But it is also true that a stage full of responsibilities, fears and daily incidents that are completely new begins. One of the problems derived from the birth of the baby is insomnia. And it is that insomnia affects the whole family when it comes to a baby.

Insomnia for the baby

  • The main reason why your baby does not let you sleep is the shots, which do not understand sleep cycles. Logically your sleep cycle will be interrupted by the needs of the baby, so it is normal for you to spend the days exhausted and confused. Also, babies often cry at night and don’t necessarily cry to let you know it’s feeding time.
  • The baby’s crying at night causes insomnia problems for the whole family, but especially for the mother, who senses when the baby is restless in the crib, even seconds before he starts crying. The truth is that a baby in the family means immense happiness for the whole family, but also long sleepless nights.
  • This type of insomnia that is caused by the baby can appear before the child is born. The nerves of the future mother, the anxiety of wanting to have everything under control, the doubts about whether she will know how to do it well and the fear of not meeting expectations are logical concerns for any woman facing motherhood.

Avoid insomnia for the baby

  • Unfortunately there is no treatment or remedy for this insomnia that arises with the arrival of the baby. We cannot change the needs of the child, just as we cannot prevent him from crying when he wakes up in the middle of the night. The transformation of the sleep cycle during the baby’s first months is inevitable, but we can teach him to sleep to guarantee good quality sleep in the future.
  • Many people do not take into account that sleeping is also learned. And the sooner we give the baby some guidelines and establish a sleeping routine, the sooner the crying will stop after hours. A baby can be taught to sleep, not to be afraid of the dark, to have a regular sleep schedule, to have his body distinguish rest from activity, or to associate certain rituals and objects with quiet time and of the dream
  • But for the baby to learn to sleep peacefully, he needs to perceive that tranquility around him, feel safe, protected and notice all the love. Parents overwhelmed by stress, who do not reduce activity as the afternoon goes by, will not be able to instill in their baby the relaxed mood that every person, baby, child, adult or elderly, needs to sleep.

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