Specific problems attack our rest and do not let us sleep. It is frequent, and also normal, to spend a few sleepless nights for a specific concern, from a move to a death, going through a complicated project at work. It is a sleep disorder that is not serious but that we must treat so that it does not lead to chronic insomnia. We are talking about transient insomnia.

Causes of transient insomnia

  • It should be noted that for insomnia to be transitory we should not spend more than a week with sleep problems. Otherwise, we would be facing a sleep disorder to be reviewed by the specialist. Cases of transient or short-term insomnia find more specific causes than other types of insomnia and these are specific problems that we all face at one time or another in life.
  • Among the main causes of transient insomnia are couple crises, family arguments or worries with children. These are specific moments of emotional instability that prevent us from sleeping but that we finally manage to resolve or assimilate. Close deaths, although with a greater risk of generating emotional disorders that imply more severe insomnia, can also be the reason for this short-term insomnia.
  • If we move away from the psychological plane, we find the origin of this transitory insomnia in some environmental factors, such as jet lag, the presence of a new partner in the bedroom, a new decoration, a change of neighborhood where we have not gotten used to outside noise, the intake of some medications or a sudden change in work schedules.

How to treat transient insomnia

  • In most cases, temporary insomnia disappears and we can resume our usual sleep cycle after a week, once we have gotten used to the new situation, have found a solution to what is bothering us, or simply managed to relax. But even that short time that transient insomnia lasts, we must be alert so that it does not lead to a chronic sleep disorder.
  • It is very important not to let ourselves be overcome by the exhaustion of a couple of sleepless nights and not be tempted to take a nap, or go to bed much earlier or take a sleeping pill. Sleeping and waking hours must be regular at all times, regardless of the situation we are experiencing. As it is not serious insomnia, relaxation techniques, breathing exercises and natural tranquilizers will help us sleep on those days.

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